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Anthropology Scholarships to study in USA
Please copy&paste these scholarships provide in google to find their website.
Academic Excellence Scholarships (International Freshman only)
California Institue of Integral Studies - Admission Award - Opportunity Scholarship
CONACYT Fellowships for Foreign Study
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarship
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
Richard Carley Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships
University of Mississippi Graduate Teaching and Research Assisstantships
University of Mississippi International Undergraduate Student Scholarships (International Transfers and Freshmen)
Webster International Network School Travel Award
Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation and Postdoctoral Research Grants
Anthropology is the "investigation of mankind." [1] It has roots in the humanities, the characteristic sciences, and the social sciences.[2] The expression "humanities" is from the Greek anthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος), "man", comprehended to mean mankind or humankind, and-logia (-λογία), "talk" or "study."
Since the work of Franz Boas and Bronisław Malinowski in the late 19th and early 20th hundreds of years, humanities has been recognized from other social sciences by its accentuation on in-profundity examination of setting, diverse correlations, and the significance it puts on member-perception, or lifelong, experiential submersion around there of exploration. Social human sciences specifically has stressed customary relativity, comprehensive quality and the utilization of discoveries to casing customary critiques.[3] This has been especially unmistakable in the United States, from Boas' contentions opposite 19th-century racial belief system, with Margaret Mead's support for sex balance and sexual liberation, to current sentiments of post-frontier persecution and announcement of multiculturalism. Ethnography is one of its essential techniques and in addition the content that is created from anthropological fieldwork.[4][5][6]
In the United States, the control is customarily separated into four sub-fields: social human sciences, antiquarianism, etymological human sciences, and living humanities. In Europe, the control began as ethnology and was initially described as the investigation of social conglomeration in non-state publicly accepted norms. It was later renamed social humanities. It is currently ordinarily pointed to as socio-customary human sciences in the vast majority of Europe, the district, and in the parts of the planet that were impacted by the European tradition.[7]
American Studies Scholarships to study Scholarships to study in USA
Scholarships to study American Studies in USA
Please copy&paste these scholarships provide in google to find their website.
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
Bavarian American Academy Graduate Stipend
Christoph Daniel Ebeling Fellowship
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study and Research Program
Fulbright Senior Specialist Program-Korea
Fulbright Vietnamese Fulbright Scholar Program
Fulbright Vietnamese Student Program
Fulbright Vijayashanker Memorial Scholarship Fund
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
The University of Tulsa Scholarships
The first signature methodology of American studies was the "myth and symbol" approach, developed in such foundational texts as Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land in 1950 and Leo Marx's T h e Machine in the Garden in 1964.[citation needed] Myth and symbol scholars claimed to find certain recurring themes throughout American texts that served to illuminate a unique American culture. Later scholars such as Annette Kolodny and Alan Trachtenberg re-imagined the myth and symbol approach in light of multicultural studies.
Beginning in the 1960s and 70s, these earlier approaches were criticized for continuing to promote the idea of American exceptionalism—the notion that the US has had a special mission and virtue that makes it unique among nations. Several generations of American Studies scholars have critiqued this ethnocentric view, and have focused critically on issues of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and both transnational and international concerns.
Institutionally, in the last decade the American Studies Association has reflected the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the field, creating particularly strong connections to other interdisciplines such as ethnic studies, gender studies, cultural studies and post- or de-colonial studies. Another major theme of the field in recent years has been internationalization[citation needed]—the recognition that much vital scholarship about the US and its relations to the wider global community has been and is being produced outside the United States.
European centres for American studies include the Center for American Studies in Brussels, Belgium and most notably the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies in Berlin, Germany. Other centers for American Studies in Germany include the Bavarian America-Academy, the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and the Center for North American Studies (Zentrum für Nordamerikaforschung or ZENAF) at Goethe University Frankfurt. The American Studies Leipzig program at the University of Leipzig offers both BA and MA degrees and is known for the graduate journal aspeers. Founded in 1992, the Center for American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark now offers a graduate program in American Studies. In the Netherlands the University of Groningen and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen offer a complete undergraduate and graduate program in American Studies. The University of Amsterdam and the University of Leiden only offer a graduate program in American Studies. Both the University of Sussex and the University of Nottingham in England offer both a number of postgraduate and undergraduate programs. In Sweden, the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University offers a minor in American studies. In Slovakia, the University of Presov and Pavol Jozef Safarik University offer a complete undergraduate and graduate program in American Studies combined with British Studies. The Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library also offers a range of events and fellowships, as well as promoting the American collections held at the British Library.
Russia's main center for American studies is the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1967.[citation needed]
In the Middle East, the oldest American Studies program is the American Studies Center at the University of Bahrain in Sakhir. Founded in 1998, the UOB ASC celebrated its 10th year anniversary in 2008.[2] Established as a university minor, the ASC currently offers over 20 different courses for students, heralds weekly movies in its ASC Theater, regularly hosts diverse speakers, and sponsors gatherings and excursions for ASC students. There is a new American Studies program at the University of Tehran, Iran. The new program, offered at the Faculty of World Studies, is a multidisciplinary MA program focusing on American culture, politics, history and ethnicity.
In Oceania, the University of Canterbury in Christchurch New Zealand operated a full undergraduate and graduate American Studies program until 2012, and in Australia, a postgraduate program in US Studies is run by the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
Please copy&paste these scholarships provide in google to find their website.
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
Bavarian American Academy Graduate Stipend
Christoph Daniel Ebeling Fellowship
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study and Research Program
Fulbright Senior Specialist Program-Korea
Fulbright Vietnamese Fulbright Scholar Program
Fulbright Vietnamese Student Program
Fulbright Vijayashanker Memorial Scholarship Fund
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
The University of Tulsa Scholarships
Founding notions
Vernon Louis Parrington is often cited as the founder of American studies for his three-volume Main Currents in American Thought, which combines the methodologies of literary criticism and historical research; it won the 1928 Pulitzer Prize. In the introduction to Main Currents in American Thought, Parrington described his field:- I have undertaken to give some account of the genesis and development in American letters of certain germinal ideas that have come to be reckoned traditionally American—how they came into being here, how they were opposed, and what influence they have exerted in determining the form and scope of our characteristic ideals and institutions. In pursuing such a task, I have chosen to follow the broad path of our political, economic, and social development, rather than the narrower belletristic.
The first signature methodology of American studies was the "myth and symbol" approach, developed in such foundational texts as Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land in 1950 and Leo Marx's T h e Machine in the Garden in 1964.[citation needed] Myth and symbol scholars claimed to find certain recurring themes throughout American texts that served to illuminate a unique American culture. Later scholars such as Annette Kolodny and Alan Trachtenberg re-imagined the myth and symbol approach in light of multicultural studies.
Beginning in the 1960s and 70s, these earlier approaches were criticized for continuing to promote the idea of American exceptionalism—the notion that the US has had a special mission and virtue that makes it unique among nations. Several generations of American Studies scholars have critiqued this ethnocentric view, and have focused critically on issues of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and both transnational and international concerns.
Institutionally, in the last decade the American Studies Association has reflected the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the field, creating particularly strong connections to other interdisciplines such as ethnic studies, gender studies, cultural studies and post- or de-colonial studies. Another major theme of the field in recent years has been internationalization[citation needed]—the recognition that much vital scholarship about the US and its relations to the wider global community has been and is being produced outside the United States.
American studies outside of the U.S.
Following World War II and during the Cold War, the U.S. government promoted the study of the United States in several European countries, helping to endow chairs in universities and institutes in American history, politics and literature in the interests of cultural diplomacy. Many scholars and governments in Europe also recognized the need to study the U.S. The field has become especially prominent in Britain and Germany. The British Association for American Studies was founded in 1955, and is a constituent member of the European Association for American Studies.European centres for American studies include the Center for American Studies in Brussels, Belgium and most notably the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies in Berlin, Germany. Other centers for American Studies in Germany include the Bavarian America-Academy, the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and the Center for North American Studies (Zentrum für Nordamerikaforschung or ZENAF) at Goethe University Frankfurt. The American Studies Leipzig program at the University of Leipzig offers both BA and MA degrees and is known for the graduate journal aspeers. Founded in 1992, the Center for American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark now offers a graduate program in American Studies. In the Netherlands the University of Groningen and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen offer a complete undergraduate and graduate program in American Studies. The University of Amsterdam and the University of Leiden only offer a graduate program in American Studies. Both the University of Sussex and the University of Nottingham in England offer both a number of postgraduate and undergraduate programs. In Sweden, the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University offers a minor in American studies. In Slovakia, the University of Presov and Pavol Jozef Safarik University offer a complete undergraduate and graduate program in American Studies combined with British Studies. The Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library also offers a range of events and fellowships, as well as promoting the American collections held at the British Library.
Russia's main center for American studies is the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1967.[citation needed]
In the Middle East, the oldest American Studies program is the American Studies Center at the University of Bahrain in Sakhir. Founded in 1998, the UOB ASC celebrated its 10th year anniversary in 2008.[2] Established as a university minor, the ASC currently offers over 20 different courses for students, heralds weekly movies in its ASC Theater, regularly hosts diverse speakers, and sponsors gatherings and excursions for ASC students. There is a new American Studies program at the University of Tehran, Iran. The new program, offered at the Faculty of World Studies, is a multidisciplinary MA program focusing on American culture, politics, history and ethnicity.
In Oceania, the University of Canterbury in Christchurch New Zealand operated a full undergraduate and graduate American Studies program until 2012, and in Australia, a postgraduate program in US Studies is run by the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
International American Studies Association (IASA)
Founded at Bellagio, Italy in 2000, the International American Studies Association has held four World Congresses at Leyden (2003), Ottawa (2005), Lisbon (2007), Beijing (2009)and Rio de Janeiro (2011). The Sixth World Congress of IASA is going to be held at Szczecin, Poland, 3-6 August 2013. The IASA is the only world-wide, independent, non-governmental association for Americanists. Furthering the international exchange of ideas and information among scholars from all nations and various disciplines who study and teach America regionally, hemispherically, nationally, and transnationally, IASA is registered in The Netherlands as a non-profit, international, educational organization with members in more than forty countries around the world.Associations and scholarly journals
The American Studies Association was founded in 1950. It publishes American Quarterly, which has been the primary outlet of American Studies scholarship since 1949. The second-largest American Studies journal, American Studies, is sponsored by the Mid-America American Studies Association and University of Kansas. Today there are 53 American Studies journals in 25 countries.[1]American Literature Scholarships to study in USA
Scholarships to study American Literature in USA
Please copy&paste these scholarships provide in google to find their website.
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
What is American Literature Studies?
American expositive expression is the composed or abstract work transformed around there of the United States and its going before settlements. For additional particular idea exchanges of verse and theater, see Poetry of the United States and Theater in the United States. Throughout its punctual history, America was an arrangement of British settlements on the eastern bank of the present-day United States. Hence, its scholarly custom starts as connected to the broader convention of English expositive expression. In any case, remarkable American qualities and the broadness of its handling ordinarily now create it to be recognized a particular way and convention.
Provincial literary works
Owing to the impressive movement to Boston in the 1630s, the towering enunciation of Puritan customary standards, and the early station of a school and a printing press in Cambridge, the New England settlements have frequently been viewed as the core of early American written works. Be that as it may, the first European settlements in North America had been organized somewhere else numerous years prior. Towns more senior than Boston might be the Spanish settlements at Saint Augustine and Santa Fe, the Dutch settlements at Albany and New Amsterdam, and additionally the English state of Jamestown in present-day Virginia. Throughout the pioneer period, the printing press was engaged in numerous territories, from Cambridge and Boston to New York, Philadelphia, and Annapolis.
The strength of the English dialect was barely inevitable.[1] The first thing printed in Pennsylvania was in German and was the greatest book printed in any of the settlements when the American Revolution.[1] Spanish and French had two of the strongest pioneer scholarly customs there that now contain the United States, and exchanges of early American written works generally incorporate messages by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and Samuel de Champlain close by English dialect messages by Thomas Harriot and John Smith. Also, we are presently familiar with the abundance of oral scholarly customs as of recently existing on the mainland right around the various diverse Native American amasses. Political occasions, notwithstanding, might possibly make English the lingua franca for the settlements in question and the abstract dialect of decision. Case in point, when the English vanquished New Amsterdam in 1664, they renamed it New York and updated the regulatory dialect from Dutch to English.
From 1696 to 1700, just around 250 divide things were issued from the major printing presses in the American provinces. This is a modest number contrasted with the yield of the printers in London during that timeframe. On the other hand, printing was created in the American provinces before it was permitted in a large portion of England. In England prohibitive laws had since a long time ago bound printing to four areas: London, York, Oxford, and Cambridge. In light of this, the settlements stepped into the present day planet sooner than their common English counterparts.[1]
In those days, a percentage of the American expositive expression were leaflets and compositions praising the profits of the provinces to both an European and pilgrim crowd. Chief John Smith might be recognized the first American creator with his works: A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as Hath Happened in Virginia... (1608) and The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (1624). Different essayists of this way incorporated Daniel Denton, Thomas Ashe, William Penn, George Percy, William Strachey, Daniel Coxe, Gabriel Thomas, and John Lawson.
The religious questions that aroused settlement in America were likewise themes of early written work. A diary composed by John Winthrop, The History of New England, discoursed on the religious establishments of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Edward Winslow moreover recorded a journal of the first years after the Mayflower's entry. Other religiously impacted scholars incorporated Increase Mather and William Bradford, creator of the diary circulated as a History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620–47. Alternates like Roger Williams and Nathaniel Ward all the more furiously contended state and church dissociation. Besides still alternates, for example Thomas Morton, nurtured the mass; Morton's The New English Canaan taunted the religious settlers and pronounced that the Native Americans were really preferable individuals over the British.[2]
Puritan verse was remarkably religious in nature, and one of the soonest books of verse circulated was the Bay Psalm Book, a set of interpretations of the scriptural Psalms; notwithstanding, the translators' expectation was not to make incredible expositive expression yet to make psalms that might be utilized as a part of worship.[2] Among verse artists, the most critical figures are Anne Bradstreet, who composed private sonnets regarding her family and homelife; pastor Edward Taylor, whose best lyrics, the Preparatory Meditations, were composed to help him plan for advancing love; and Michael Wigglesworth, whose best-pushing ballad, The Day of Doom, portrays the time of judgment. Nicholas Noyes was likewise known for his doggerel verse.
Other late compositions depicted clashes and communication with the Indians, as perceived in compositions by Daniel Gookin, Alexander Whitaker, John Mason, Benjamin Church, and Mary Rowlandson. John Eliot interpreted the Bible into the Algonquin dialect.
Of the second era of New England settlers, Cotton Mather stands out as a theologian and student of history, who composed the history of the settlements with a view to God's movement in their middle and to interfacing the Puritan pioneers with the incredible heroes of the Christian confidence. His best-known works incorporate the Magnalia Christi Americana, the Wonders of the Invisible World and The Biblia Americana.
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield stood for the Great Awakening, a religious recovery in the early 18th century that declared strict Calvinism. Other Puritan and religious scholars might be Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepard, John Wise, and Samuel Willard. Less strict and genuine scholars incorporated Samuel Sewall (who composed a journal uncovering the day by day essence of the late 17th century),[2] and Sarah Kemble Knight.
Please copy&paste these scholarships provide in google to find their website.
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
What is American Literature Studies?
American expositive expression is the composed or abstract work transformed around there of the United States and its going before settlements. For additional particular idea exchanges of verse and theater, see Poetry of the United States and Theater in the United States. Throughout its punctual history, America was an arrangement of British settlements on the eastern bank of the present-day United States. Hence, its scholarly custom starts as connected to the broader convention of English expositive expression. In any case, remarkable American qualities and the broadness of its handling ordinarily now create it to be recognized a particular way and convention.
Provincial literary works
Owing to the impressive movement to Boston in the 1630s, the towering enunciation of Puritan customary standards, and the early station of a school and a printing press in Cambridge, the New England settlements have frequently been viewed as the core of early American written works. Be that as it may, the first European settlements in North America had been organized somewhere else numerous years prior. Towns more senior than Boston might be the Spanish settlements at Saint Augustine and Santa Fe, the Dutch settlements at Albany and New Amsterdam, and additionally the English state of Jamestown in present-day Virginia. Throughout the pioneer period, the printing press was engaged in numerous territories, from Cambridge and Boston to New York, Philadelphia, and Annapolis.
The strength of the English dialect was barely inevitable.[1] The first thing printed in Pennsylvania was in German and was the greatest book printed in any of the settlements when the American Revolution.[1] Spanish and French had two of the strongest pioneer scholarly customs there that now contain the United States, and exchanges of early American written works generally incorporate messages by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and Samuel de Champlain close by English dialect messages by Thomas Harriot and John Smith. Also, we are presently familiar with the abundance of oral scholarly customs as of recently existing on the mainland right around the various diverse Native American amasses. Political occasions, notwithstanding, might possibly make English the lingua franca for the settlements in question and the abstract dialect of decision. Case in point, when the English vanquished New Amsterdam in 1664, they renamed it New York and updated the regulatory dialect from Dutch to English.
From 1696 to 1700, just around 250 divide things were issued from the major printing presses in the American provinces. This is a modest number contrasted with the yield of the printers in London during that timeframe. On the other hand, printing was created in the American provinces before it was permitted in a large portion of England. In England prohibitive laws had since a long time ago bound printing to four areas: London, York, Oxford, and Cambridge. In light of this, the settlements stepped into the present day planet sooner than their common English counterparts.[1]
In those days, a percentage of the American expositive expression were leaflets and compositions praising the profits of the provinces to both an European and pilgrim crowd. Chief John Smith might be recognized the first American creator with his works: A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as Hath Happened in Virginia... (1608) and The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (1624). Different essayists of this way incorporated Daniel Denton, Thomas Ashe, William Penn, George Percy, William Strachey, Daniel Coxe, Gabriel Thomas, and John Lawson.
The religious questions that aroused settlement in America were likewise themes of early written work. A diary composed by John Winthrop, The History of New England, discoursed on the religious establishments of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Edward Winslow moreover recorded a journal of the first years after the Mayflower's entry. Other religiously impacted scholars incorporated Increase Mather and William Bradford, creator of the diary circulated as a History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620–47. Alternates like Roger Williams and Nathaniel Ward all the more furiously contended state and church dissociation. Besides still alternates, for example Thomas Morton, nurtured the mass; Morton's The New English Canaan taunted the religious settlers and pronounced that the Native Americans were really preferable individuals over the British.[2]
Puritan verse was remarkably religious in nature, and one of the soonest books of verse circulated was the Bay Psalm Book, a set of interpretations of the scriptural Psalms; notwithstanding, the translators' expectation was not to make incredible expositive expression yet to make psalms that might be utilized as a part of worship.[2] Among verse artists, the most critical figures are Anne Bradstreet, who composed private sonnets regarding her family and homelife; pastor Edward Taylor, whose best lyrics, the Preparatory Meditations, were composed to help him plan for advancing love; and Michael Wigglesworth, whose best-pushing ballad, The Day of Doom, portrays the time of judgment. Nicholas Noyes was likewise known for his doggerel verse.
Other late compositions depicted clashes and communication with the Indians, as perceived in compositions by Daniel Gookin, Alexander Whitaker, John Mason, Benjamin Church, and Mary Rowlandson. John Eliot interpreted the Bible into the Algonquin dialect.
Of the second era of New England settlers, Cotton Mather stands out as a theologian and student of history, who composed the history of the settlements with a view to God's movement in their middle and to interfacing the Puritan pioneers with the incredible heroes of the Christian confidence. His best-known works incorporate the Magnalia Christi Americana, the Wonders of the Invisible World and The Biblia Americana.
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield stood for the Great Awakening, a religious recovery in the early 18th century that declared strict Calvinism. Other Puritan and religious scholars might be Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepard, John Wise, and Samuel Willard. Less strict and genuine scholars incorporated Samuel Sewall (who composed a journal uncovering the day by day essence of the late 17th century),[2] and Sarah Kemble Knight.
American Jewish History Scholarships to study in USA
Scholarships to study American Jewish History in USA
Please copy&paste these scholarship provider in google to find their link.
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
Marcus Center Fellowship Program
Sid and Ruth Lapidus Felloship
What is American Jewish History Studies?
American Jewish History Studies is an academic journal and the official publication of the American Jewish Historical Society. The journal was established in 1892 and focuses on all aspects of the history of Jews in the United States. The journal was formerly titled Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society and American Jewish Historical Quarterly. The current editor-in-chief of the journal is Dianne Ashton (Rowan University). Recent former editors include Eric L. Goldstein (Emory University), Eli Faber (John Jay College), and Marc Lee Raphael (College of William and Mary). The journal is published quarterly by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
Please copy&paste these scholarship provider in google to find their link.
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
Marcus Center Fellowship Program
Sid and Ruth Lapidus Felloship
What is American Jewish History Studies?
American Jewish History Studies is an academic journal and the official publication of the American Jewish Historical Society. The journal was established in 1892 and focuses on all aspects of the history of Jews in the United States. The journal was formerly titled Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society and American Jewish Historical Quarterly. The current editor-in-chief of the journal is Dianne Ashton (Rowan University). Recent former editors include Eric L. Goldstein (Emory University), Eli Faber (John Jay College), and Marc Lee Raphael (College of William and Mary). The journal is published quarterly by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
American History Scholarships to study in USA
Scholarships to study American History in USA
ทุนเรียนต่อ สาขา American History ที่อเมริกา. American History scholarships in USA.
กรุณานำชื่อผู้ให้ทุนเหล่านี้ search หา เว็บไซด์เขาเองใน Google.
Please copy & paste these scholarship provider in google
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
German Historical Institue Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Jurgen-Heideking Fellowship
NCMC Scholarships for international Students
Omohundro Institute Postdoctoral Research Felloship
The University of Tulsa Scholarships
What is American History Studies?
American studies or American human progress is an interdisciplinary field managing the investigation of the United States.It generally fuses the investigation of history, written works, and basic speculation, and yet incorporates fields as differing as law, craftsmanship, the media, picture, religious studies, urban studies, ladies' studies, sex studies, humanities, humanism, African American studies, Chicano studies, Asian American studies, American Indian studies, outside strategy and society of the United States, right around different fields.
Establishing ideas
Vernon Louis Parrington is frequently refered to as the originator of American studies for his three-volume Main Currents in American Thought, which joins together the philosophies of artistic sentiment and chronicled exploration; it won the 1928 Pulitzer Prize. In the prologue to Main Currents in American Thought, Parrington portrayed his field:[page needed]
I have undertaken to give some record of the genesis and infrastructure in American letters of certain germinal plans that have come to be figured customarily American—how they started to exist here, how they were contradicted, and what impact they have exercised in verifying the shape and extent of our trademark goals and organizations. In following this work, I have decided on to take after the expansive way of our political, monetary, and social infrastructure, instead of the narrower belletristic.
The "expansive way" that Parrington depicts shaped an educational course of study for Henry Nash Smith, who appropriated a Ph.D. from Harvard's interdisciplinary customize in "History and American Civilization" in 1940, setting a scholarly authoritative example for present-day American Studies programs.[citation needed]
The predominant mark philosophy of American studies was the "myth and image" approach, improved in such foundational messages as Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land in 1950 and Leo Marx's T h e Machine in the Garden in 1964.[citation needed] Myth and image researchers asserted to find certain repeating topics all through American messages that served to light up a remarkable American society. Later researchers for example Annette Kolodny and Alan Trachtenberg re-visualized the myth and image approach in light of multicultural studies.
Starting in the 1960s and 70s, these prior methodologies were slammed for pressing on to advertise the thought of American exceptionalism—the thought that the US has had an uncommon mission and excellence that makes it novel around countries. Numerous eras of American Studies researchers have evaluated this ethnocentric view, and have centered basically on issues of race, ethnicity, sex and sexuality, and both transnational and universal concerns.
Institutionally, in the final decade the American Studies Association has reflected the in an every expanding degree interdisciplinary nature of the field, making especially solid associations with different interdisciplines for example ethnic studies, sexual orientation studies, customary studies and post-or de-pilgrim studies. An additional major topic of the field lately has been internationalization[citation needed]—the distinguishment that much fundamental grant regarding the US and its relations to the more extensive worldwide neighborhood has been and is almost always prepared outside the United States.
American mulls over outside of the U.S.
Emulating World War II and throughout the Cold War, the U.S. administration pushed the investigation of the United States in numerous European nations, serving to enrich seats in schools and organizes in American history, governmental issues and expositive expression in light of a legitimate concern for customary discretion. Numerous researchers and administrations in Europe additionally distinguished the requirement to study the U.S. The field has come to be particularly unmistakable in Britain and Germany. The British Association for American Studies was established in 1955, and is a constituent part of the European Association for American Studies.
European centres for American ponders incorporate the Center for American Studies in Brussels, Belgium and most prominently the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies in Berlin, Germany. Different habitats for American Studies in Germany incorporate the Bavarian America-Academy, the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and the Center for North American Studies (Zentrum für Nordamerikaforschung or ZENAF) at Goethe University Frankfurt. The American Studies Leipzig modify at the University of Leipzig offers both BA and MA degrees and is known for the graduate diary aspeers. Organized in 1992, the Center for American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark now offers a graduate project in American Studies. In the Netherlands the University of Groningen and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen offer a complete undergraduate and graduate customize in American Studies. The University of Amsterdam and the University of Leiden just offer a graduate system in American Studies. Both the University of Sussex and the University of Nottingham in England offer both various postgraduate and undergraduate arrangements. In Sweden, the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University offers a minor in American mulls over. In Slovakia, the University of Presov and Pavol Jozef Safarik University offer a complete undergraduate and graduate customize in American Studies consolidated with British Studies. The Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library moreover offers a reach of occasions and partnerships, and in addition pushing the American gatherings kept at the British Library.
Russia's fundamental community for American studies is the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organized in 1967.[citation needed]
ทุนเรียนต่อ สาขา American History ที่อเมริกา. American History scholarships in USA.
กรุณานำชื่อผู้ให้ทุนเหล่านี้ search หา เว็บไซด์เขาเองใน Google.
Please copy & paste these scholarship provider in google
BAAS Short-Term Travel Grants
Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships
German Historical Institue Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Jurgen-Heideking Fellowship
NCMC Scholarships for international Students
Omohundro Institute Postdoctoral Research Felloship
The University of Tulsa Scholarships
What is American History Studies?
American studies or American human progress is an interdisciplinary field managing the investigation of the United States.It generally fuses the investigation of history, written works, and basic speculation, and yet incorporates fields as differing as law, craftsmanship, the media, picture, religious studies, urban studies, ladies' studies, sex studies, humanities, humanism, African American studies, Chicano studies, Asian American studies, American Indian studies, outside strategy and society of the United States, right around different fields.
Establishing ideas
Vernon Louis Parrington is frequently refered to as the originator of American studies for his three-volume Main Currents in American Thought, which joins together the philosophies of artistic sentiment and chronicled exploration; it won the 1928 Pulitzer Prize. In the prologue to Main Currents in American Thought, Parrington portrayed his field:[page needed]
I have undertaken to give some record of the genesis and infrastructure in American letters of certain germinal plans that have come to be figured customarily American—how they started to exist here, how they were contradicted, and what impact they have exercised in verifying the shape and extent of our trademark goals and organizations. In following this work, I have decided on to take after the expansive way of our political, monetary, and social infrastructure, instead of the narrower belletristic.
The "expansive way" that Parrington depicts shaped an educational course of study for Henry Nash Smith, who appropriated a Ph.D. from Harvard's interdisciplinary customize in "History and American Civilization" in 1940, setting a scholarly authoritative example for present-day American Studies programs.[citation needed]
The predominant mark philosophy of American studies was the "myth and image" approach, improved in such foundational messages as Henry Nash Smith's Virgin Land in 1950 and Leo Marx's T h e Machine in the Garden in 1964.[citation needed] Myth and image researchers asserted to find certain repeating topics all through American messages that served to light up a remarkable American society. Later researchers for example Annette Kolodny and Alan Trachtenberg re-visualized the myth and image approach in light of multicultural studies.
Starting in the 1960s and 70s, these prior methodologies were slammed for pressing on to advertise the thought of American exceptionalism—the thought that the US has had an uncommon mission and excellence that makes it novel around countries. Numerous eras of American Studies researchers have evaluated this ethnocentric view, and have centered basically on issues of race, ethnicity, sex and sexuality, and both transnational and universal concerns.
Institutionally, in the final decade the American Studies Association has reflected the in an every expanding degree interdisciplinary nature of the field, making especially solid associations with different interdisciplines for example ethnic studies, sexual orientation studies, customary studies and post-or de-pilgrim studies. An additional major topic of the field lately has been internationalization[citation needed]—the distinguishment that much fundamental grant regarding the US and its relations to the more extensive worldwide neighborhood has been and is almost always prepared outside the United States.
American mulls over outside of the U.S.
Emulating World War II and throughout the Cold War, the U.S. administration pushed the investigation of the United States in numerous European nations, serving to enrich seats in schools and organizes in American history, governmental issues and expositive expression in light of a legitimate concern for customary discretion. Numerous researchers and administrations in Europe additionally distinguished the requirement to study the U.S. The field has come to be particularly unmistakable in Britain and Germany. The British Association for American Studies was established in 1955, and is a constituent part of the European Association for American Studies.
European centres for American ponders incorporate the Center for American Studies in Brussels, Belgium and most prominently the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies in Berlin, Germany. Different habitats for American Studies in Germany incorporate the Bavarian America-Academy, the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and the Center for North American Studies (Zentrum für Nordamerikaforschung or ZENAF) at Goethe University Frankfurt. The American Studies Leipzig modify at the University of Leipzig offers both BA and MA degrees and is known for the graduate diary aspeers. Organized in 1992, the Center for American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark now offers a graduate project in American Studies. In the Netherlands the University of Groningen and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen offer a complete undergraduate and graduate customize in American Studies. The University of Amsterdam and the University of Leiden just offer a graduate system in American Studies. Both the University of Sussex and the University of Nottingham in England offer both various postgraduate and undergraduate arrangements. In Sweden, the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University offers a minor in American mulls over. In Slovakia, the University of Presov and Pavol Jozef Safarik University offer a complete undergraduate and graduate customize in American Studies consolidated with British Studies. The Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library moreover offers a reach of occasions and partnerships, and in addition pushing the American gatherings kept at the British Library.
Russia's fundamental community for American studies is the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organized in 1967.[citation needed]
ทุน Agriculture and Related Sciences Scholarships to study in USA
List of Agriculture and Related Sciences scholarships in USA
กรุณานำชื่อผู้ให้ทุนเหล่านี้ search หา เว็บไซด์เขาเองใน Google.
Please copy & paste these scholarship provider in google
Acequia Institute Graduate Student Fellowships
Asian Development Bank Government of Japan Scholarship Program (ADB)
CAPES Graduate Program
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Fulbright International Science and Technology Pd.D. Awards
Fulbright-Ministry of Research, Sciences & Technology Graduate Awards
Fulbright-Nga Pae o te Maramatanga Graduate Award
HAESF Professional Internship Program
Harvard University Center of International Development Sustainability Science Fellowship
Honor's Academic Scholarship
Lindbergh Grants
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarship
NCMC Scholarships for International Students
Professional Internship Program
Prospect Burma Scholarship Programme
Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Program
United States - Timor-Leste Scholarship Program (USTL)
United State-South Pacific Scholarship Program (USSP)
Vietnam International Education Development Scholarship Program(VIED)
Wilson College Bogigian Scholarship for Armenian Students
Agriculture and Related Sciences
scholarships from IEFAGlobal Achievement Scholarship | Unrestricted | The
Global Achievement Scholarship is granted to all eligible candidates
attending Full Sail University. Call the contact number for more...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
The United Agribusiness League & United Agricultural Benefit Trust Scholarship | Agriculture | Since
1989, United Agribusiness League and United Agricultural Benefit Trust
have collectively awarded more than $865,000 in scholarship monies to...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
John Duling Award | Agriculture | For research on the biology, management and care of trees and their relation to environmental, social and economical benefits.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
SAPA Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program | Agriculture | The
SAPA Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by
the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) in
1999. ...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Institute Of Horticulture Martin Mclaren Horticultural Scholarship | Agriculture | One year post-graduate study at a university of their choice in the USA. This is for graduates in plant or...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange For Young Professionals | Agriculture | The
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals is a
scholarship program with a strong focus on cultural exchange. It is...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
GotScholarship $40K Give Away | Unrestricted | GotChosen
launched one of the largest single private scholarship initiative in
the United States. The program is easy and free...
Nationality: South Sudanese, , ...
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Grant Awards from the Japan-US Friendship Commission | Unrestricted | To aid education and culture at the highest level in order to engage reciprocal people to people understanding and...
Nationality: American and Japanese
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Elite Awards | Unrestricted | Troy University offers a limited number of full and partial scholarships to international
students with exceptionally high academic achievements. These scholarships...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Prepared Scholarship | Unrestricted | This scholarship is granted to all new international undergraduate students who meet
specific English test score requirements prior to enrollment.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Win Free Tuition Giveaway through NextStepU | Unrestricted | NextStepU is pleased to announce our Win Free Tuition giveaway, a scholarship contest where students can win a year of...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Student Voice Magazine Scholarship | Unrestricted | A $750 one-time scholarship will be awarded to an international student (college/university student on a J1 or F1 visa or...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
American Assn. Of University Women--international Fellowships | Unrestricted | International
Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who
are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
WyzAnt Scholarships | Unrestricted | Each individual who applies ("Applicant") will be required to write an essay in English of no more than 300 words...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Ramapo College of New Jersey Presidential Scholarship | Unrestricted | $72,000 tuition scholarship for four years. ($18,000/year)
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Merced College International Students Tuition Waivers | Unrestricted | Semester tuition waiver scholarship for international students who have financial need and high academic standing.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
University Of Bridgeport International Undergraduate Scholarship | Unrestricted | Academic
scholarships are available to first year applicants and transfer
students seeking an associate or a bachelor degree. All awards...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Brandeis University Wien International Scholarship | Unrestricted | To
further international understanding, provide for international study,
and to enrich intellectual and cultural life at Brandeis
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
UFAW Small Project and Travel Award | Agriculture | The
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an independent
registered charity that works to develop and promote improvements in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: Unrestricted
| ![]() |
Fulbright-Royal College Of Surgeons Of England Research Award | Unrestricted | Each year, one award is offered to a surgeon, trainee surgeon or individual that will pursue research (at any accredited...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Research Fellowship | Unrestricted | To support research at the Kennedy Library in the areas of immigration, naturalization or refugee policy.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Belluck & Fox / Scholarship | Unrestricted | Essay Content:
Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer diagnosed in close to 3,000 Americans each year. The only established cause of mesothelioma...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Rowe Fund Program | Unrestricted | The
Rowe Fund provides supplementary student loans to individuals from OAS
member states in Latin America and the Caribbean with...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
BG Scholarship | Unrestricted |
strives to reward students who do well academically, and also
contribute to their school and/or community by getting involved....
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Ramapo College of New Jersey Provost Scholarship | Unrestricted | $40,000 tuition scholarship for four years. ($10,000/year)
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
University Of Wisconsin-Superior Non-resident Tuition Waiver Scholar Awards | Unrestricted | NTW
Scholars Awards are competitive and consider the following criteria: 1)
academic merit, 2) potential contribution to campus diversity, 3)...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
AAUW International Fellowships | Unrestricted | International
Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who
are not United States citizens or permanent residents....
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
St. Edward's University Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | FOR
STUDY AT ST. EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY ONLY. We offer academic and athletic
scholarships for international freshmen and athletic scholarships for...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() | Recycling Scholarship | Unrestricted | The Scholarship is available to students between the ages 13 and 25. To be considered, you must participate in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
University Of Dayton International Undergraduate Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | The
University of Dayton offers merit-based scholarships to selected
international undergraduate applicants. We encourage students to take
the SAT-I to...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
University Of Wisconsin-Superior Non-resident Tuition Award | Unrestricted | UW-Superior offers NTW Awards to more than 90% of international undergraduate students that qualify for admission.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Grand Valley State University International Merit Scholarship | Unrestricted | Every
year, Grand Valley awards a limited number of International Merit
Scholarships to incoming international students who have demonstrated
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Scholarships and Assistantships at the University of Richmond | Unrestricted | All
international students (non-U.S. citizens) who apply for admission are
considered for the scholarship awards. The number and amount vary...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Anne Wexler Australian-American Scholarship | Unrestricted | Two Scholarships will be awarded, one for a US citizen to enroll in an Australian Masters program in Public Policy...
Nationality: American and Australian
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Thomas Buergenthal Scholarship | Unrestricted | To assist law school graduates from Central & Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics who have an interest in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Hong Kong Scholarship For Study In US | Unrestricted | Scholarship for Hong Kong high school graduates entering Freshman class in accredited four year US University/College.
Locations: United States
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American Historical Association Research Grants | Unrestricted | For the advancement of historical knowledge
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Ishe Komborera Africa Award | Unrestricted | Twenty
one-quarter tuition awards for citizens of countries located in the
Sub-Saharan Africa region. These regions include Central, East, West...
Nationality: Zimbabwean, Zambian, Ugandan...
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Cascade & Siskiyou International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | Partial tuition remission scholarship
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
NJIT Research, Teaching and Graduate Assistantships | Unrestricted | To attract outstanding academic performance and research.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Freedom Support Act Graduate Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | Established
by USA Congress to provide the education and practical training
necessary to continue democratic and economic reform efforts in...
Nationality: Russian and American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Newberry Library Short-term Resident Fellowships For Individual Research | Unrestricted | For research in any field appropriate to the Newberrys collections
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Kennedy Research Grant and Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | To support research on any topic related to the Kennedy period or requiring the use of the Kennedy Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Rosann S. Berry Annual Meeting Fellowship | Unrestricted | To enable a graduate student engaged in advanced graduate study to attend the annual meeting of the society.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
College of Saint Elizabeth International Scholarships | Unrestricted | Two international students per year will be awarded scholarships that cover the cost of tuition, room & board, and fees...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Bluffton University International Student Grant | Unrestricted | International
students desiring financial assistance must complete the declaration of
finances form. As a general policy, international student grants
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Fulbright All-Disciplines Scholar Awards | Unrestricted | In
this Award category, approximately 5 grants are offered to UK academics
and professionals to undertake lecturing, research or a...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Fulbright Police Research Fellowship | Unrestricted | In this Award category, up to three grants are offered to active UK police officers and staff from all ranks...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Fulbright Postgraduate Student Awards | Unrestricted | In this Award category, approximately 30 scholarships are offered each year to UK citizens for the first year of postgraduate...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Hagley Museum And Library Grants-In-Aid | Unrestricted | Award for graduate research using the Hagley Museum and Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Academic Merit Scholarships | Unrestricted | Bachelor degree first year and transfer students will be awarded academic merit scholarships at time of admission. This is...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Deans Scholarship at Fordham University | Unrestricted | This award is open to the top 8% of freshmen applicants to Fordham based on SAT, GPA and class rank...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Chatham University Merit Scholarships | Unrestricted | To provide financial assistance to students with outstanding academic and leadership achievements.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Darton College International Student Fellowship | Unrestricted | Each
year, Darton College offers a limited number of fellowships to highly
qualified international students. The Darton College International
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Bogigian Scholarship For Armenian Students | Unrestricted | A
tuition scholarship will be offered to a full-time female, residential
undergraduate student attending Wilson College. Recipients must be...
Nationality: Armenian
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Baccalaureate Scholarship at the College of Idaho | Unrestricted | All I.B. Diploma seeking students are eligible for a $11,000 per year scholarship, renewable for up to four years. ...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Hemingway Research Grants | Unrestricted | To support scholars requiring the use of the Hemingway collection.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Angelo State University Carr Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | Provide for tuition, fees, books, room, and board
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholarship | Unrestricted | Covers
costs associated with earning four years bachelors degree at Wesleyan
University for students from eleven countries in Asia. ...
Nationality: Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese...
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Miami University International Education Scholarship | Unrestricted | Merit based scholarship covering part of Miami University's tuition for undergraduate students
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Alma College Scholarships | Unrestricted | Awarded to international students studying at Alma College based on academic ability.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To support research in residence by a foreign national scholar in residence in the collections of two sponsoring institutions.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Sweden-America Foundation Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | To give Swedish students the opportunity to pursue higher education in the US or Canada
Nationality: Swedish
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
assist researchers experienced in their own fields in pursuing
investigations, particularly those who are or have been prevented by...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Earthwatch Field Research Grants | Unrestricted | To support field research in the life, physical, social sciences and humanities
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Awards For Advanced Study Or Research In The USA | Unrestricted | To encourage advanced study and research and increase understanding between the US and Scandinavia
Nationality: American, Swedish, Norwegian...
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
William Woods University Lead Program | Unrestricted | The
LEAD (Leading, Educating, Achieving, Developing) Program is intended to
encourage and acknowledge active student participation in university
life beyond...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
William Woods University Athletic Award - Men | Unrestricted | Varsity
Sports for Men Include: Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball and Golf. Must
meet two of the following three entry-level requirements: A...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Commission for Educational Exchange Postdoctoral Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
pursue postdoctoral research or study in the USA. Only students,
teachers, research scholars and lecturers who are citizens or...
Nationality: Luxembourg and Belgian
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Graduate Assistantship at Troy State University | Unrestricted | For assistant-ship in MBA program.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Oregon State University International Cultural Service Program | Unrestricted | Available
only to international students enrolled at Oregon State. A select
number of students (32-35) receive partial tuition remission
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
French And Spanish Language Assistant | Unrestricted | To
assist female international students who have shown satisfactory
academic performance and are interested in careers in foreign language
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Scholarship | Unrestricted | WPI
offers competitive academic merit scholarships to freshman applicants
based on academic performance in high school, standardized test scores
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Grants-In-Aid from SPSSI | Unrestricted | The
SPSSI Committee on Grants-in-Aid (GIA) wishes to support scientific
research in social problem areas related to the basic interests...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Anne Seaman Professional Grounds Management Memorial Scholarship | Agriculture | One-time award for citizens of the United States and Canada who are studying to enter the field of grounds management.
Nationality: American and Canadian
Locations: Unrestricted
| ![]() |
Niagara University Presidential Scholarship | Unrestricted | For financial support of undergraduate study for graduates of Ontario High School
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Indian Student Assistance Grant in Wisconsin | Unrestricted | Awards under this program are made to Wisconsin residents who are at least 25% Native American and are undergraduate or...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Mars Hill College Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | To assist in meeting tuition needs for international students studying at Mars Hill College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Mount Ida International Student Merit Award | Unrestricted | To allow international students to pursue undergraduate study at Mount Ida College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Southern Illinois University Undergraduate And Graduate Tuition Awards | Unrestricted | SIUC
students ONLY!!! Available only to international students already
enrolled at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale for one year...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Presidential Scholarship And International University Scholarship | Unrestricted | For tuition reimbursement to qualified undergraduate domestic and international students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Kendall King Scholarship Western Carolina University | Unrestricted | To assist enrolled international students to complete their graduate studies.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Monmouth University Scholarship | Unrestricted | To award students who show that they have the potential to be successful at Monmouth University.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Mahatma Rice Scholarship Program | Unrestricted | The
makers of Mahatma, Carolina, and Riceland Rice in partnership with
Univision Radio offer high school seniors in designated areas...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Financial Aid And Academic Scholarship | Unrestricted | Scholarships
are awarded to students with very strong secondary school grades and
exceptional SAT I or ACT scores. The scholarship...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
VOMI Honor To Veterans Scholarship | Unrestricted | for
all US Veterans based on needs. Wounded and disabled Iraq and
Afghanistan War veterans will be granted priority consideration.
Nationality: American, Samoan and Guamanian
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
ID Graduate Design Fellowship | Unrestricted | The
Institute of Design awards a small number of competitive fellowships
each year to outstanding applicants seeking a Master of...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Harkness Fellowship | Unrestricted | To enable actual or potential leaders to benefit from new ideas, new practices and new contacts in the USA; to...
Nationality: New Zealand
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Kathleen Hall Memorial Fellowship | Unrestricted | To promote the interest of women graduates worldwide and the extension of higher education for women.
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Grants, Scholarships And Fellowships from UFAW | Unrestricted | For improvements to the welfare of animals. Study location must be approved by UFAW council.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Southwestern Oregon Community College International Student Community Service Sc | Unrestricted | In return for volunteer service on campus or in the community, scholarship winners receive a tuition reduction of 25%.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Hagley/Winterthur Fellowships In Arts And Industries | Unrestricted | Fellowship to use both the collection of the Hagley Museum and Library and the Winterthur Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Research Participation Projects through Argonne National Laboratory | Unrestricted | An
online catalog of research projects that are taking place at the
Argonne National Laboratory. Student can browse the catalog...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
R. E. Wagner Award | Agriculture | The
Award recognizes outstanding achievements in research, extension, or
education, with a focus in the expansion of yield horizons and...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: Unrestricted
| ![]() |
Grants for Student Fellowships through the Smithsonian Institution | Unrestricted | To
encourage access to the Smithsonians collections, staff specialties and
reference resources by visiting scholars, scientists and students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
IREX Short-Term Travel | Unrestricted | For visiting scholars to enter into collaborative research or conference presentations in the USA
Nationality: Uzbekistani, Ukrainian, Turkmen...
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Student Tuition Waiver | Unrestricted | For
undergraduate students applying to the University of Maine from outside
the United States who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund | Unrestricted | Theodore
Roosevelt Memorial Grants support research on North American fauna in
any phase of wildlife conservation or natural history.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Human Rights Advocates Training Program | Unrestricted | To
allow human rights workers, activists & public interests lawyers to
improve advocacy, educational & training skills. To undertake
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Grants-In-Aid from Hagley Museum and Library Center and SPSSI | Unrestricted | To
support scientific research in social problem areas related to the
basic interests and goals of SPSSI and particularly those...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Graduate Teaching Assistantship at Southeast Missouri State University | Unrestricted | For graduate teaching assistantships in graduate programs on-campus.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Student Assistantship at the University of Pittsburgh | Unrestricted | To enable students to study at graduate level on topics related to Western Europe.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Jane Austen Award | Unrestricted | Ten
one-third tuition awards for one or two semesters available to new
students with British citizenship. Applicants must have a...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Japanese Scholars Award at Schiller International University | Unrestricted | Five
one-quarter tuition awards for new Japanese students carrying a good
academic record. This award is valid for two semesters...
Nationality: Japanese
Locations: United States
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Global Spartan Scholarship | Unrestricted | To recognize academic excellence in entering freshmen and transfer international undergraduate students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Summer Internship Program in Research for Graduate Students | Unrestricted | To increase the number of women and minority professionals in educational measurement and other related fields
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowship In Japanese Studies | Unrestricted | To give young scholars of exceptional promise an opportunity to turn in their dissertations into publishable document.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
International Assistantship at Clarion University of Pennsylvania | Unrestricted | To
provide financial assistance to those international students with
satisfactory academic performance and who have participated in
international education activities
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Special Caribbean Fellowships Program | Unrestricted | For studies leading to a bachelors degree or short-term technical training
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Research Project Grants through NIOSH | Unrestricted | To establish, discover, develop, elucidate or confirm information regarding occupational safety and health.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Harry Schwachman Clinical Investigator Award | Unrestricted | To
provide opportunity for clinically-trainee physicians to develop into
independent biomedical research investigators actively involved in
CF-related areas, and to...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Harry And Sarah Zelzer Fellowship | Unrestricted | To conduct research in the Newberry Librarys music collections.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Residents Assistant Program through International House of Philadelphia | Unrestricted | To help students with housing costs during their stay at International House.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Half Tuition Merit Scholarships | Unrestricted | To defray tuition costs.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Howard Heinz Social And Public Policy Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
assist Latin American scholars interested in various dimensions of
social and public policy to pursue advanced graduate studies in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Smith College Grant | Unrestricted | To allow non-US citizens who qualify on the basis of need to attend Smith College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grants for Ripon College | Unrestricted | To provide financial assistance to enrolled international students demonstrating financial need.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Internships For Astronomical Research | Unrestricted | To
introduce students to the nature of research through direct experience
with all facets from data acquisition through final presentation...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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SUNY Potsdam Freshmen Scholars Program | Unrestricted | The SUNY Potsdam Freshman Scholars Program is designed to provide support to our high achieving students. This program is...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Spectrum Scholarship Program | Unrestricted | Encourage international students to enroll at Aquinas College
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Visiting Scholar Awards at Brandeis University | Unrestricted | To allow students to study at Brandeis for one year to broaden their knowledge of American culture
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grant In Aid from Fight for Sight | Unrestricted | To fund studies of priority interest and pilot projects of investigators who have limited or no research funding
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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H.H. Kildee Scholarship | Unrestricted | Top
twenty-five contestants in the National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle
Judging Contest are eligible to apply for a $2,000 scholarship for...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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C.Y. Cheng Award For International Understanding | Unrestricted | To pay tuition to East Stroudsburg University
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Friendship Grant | Unrestricted | To demonstrate that Juniata College values having an international multicultural representation within its student body.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Georgia College & State University International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | Scholarship
awards are given to full-time undergraduate students wishing to pursue
a degree at Georgia College & State University.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Rockefeller Archive Center Grant-In-Aid | Unrestricted | To
foster, promote and support research by serious scholars of all
disciplines in the collections located at the Rockefeller Archive...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Residential Fellowship at the Unversity of Notre Dame | Unrestricted | For residential fellows to work on individual or joint research projects.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Benedictine College International Student Scholar Award | Unrestricted | The
aim of the International Student Scholar Award is to assist
exceptionally qualified students in obtaining an American degree. ...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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SUNY University Of Buffalo The International Freshman Scholarship | Unrestricted | The
International Freshman Scholarship for undergraduate Freshmen who hold
(or will be holding) an F1 visa. Students must apply...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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The Norman Woodberry Scholarship | Unrestricted | Scholarship is open to college students who reside in or attend school in Fairfield County, CT or Westchester County, NY....
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Bourse Lafayette Award | Unrestricted | 20 one-half tuition awards for new students from high school with a French Baccalaureate. This award is valid for one...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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In-state Tuition Scholarship at Minnesota State University Mankato | Unrestricted | The
purpose of the Cultural Contribution In-State Tuition Scholarship is to
award international students who achieve excellent academic performance
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Brandenburg Award | Unrestricted | 50
one-quarter tuition awards for one or two semesters for students from
the former Eastern Block countries and Eastern States...
Nationality: Ukrainian, Slovakian, Romanian...
Locations: United States
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PFLAG National Scholarships | Agriculture | * Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time in fall. * Self identify...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: Unrestricted
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Brazilian Scholars Award at Schiller International University | Unrestricted | 20
one-quarter tuition awards for Brazilian students who wish to enroll
full time in an undergraduate or graduate degree program....
Nationality: Brazilian
Locations: United States
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SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund | Unrestricted | SEMA Scholarships are awarded to those in support and encouragement of their educational ambitions.
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Sema Loan Forgiveness Scholarship | Unrestricted | Introduced to recruit college graduates to work for SEMA-member companies.
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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AAHOA Award | Unrestricted | 50
one-quarter tuition awards are available to members/students of the
Asian American Hotel Owners Association, for one academic year and...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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The Joseph A. Coupet, Sr. Scholarship | Unrestricted | For prospective, incoming and current VOMI secondary school and community college students in the USA based on academic merit.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Presidential Scholarship at Ashland University | Unrestricted | To recognize international student scholars who have solid financial backing, and are encouraged to attend Ashland University.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Historically Black College And Universities | Unrestricted | Fifty
one-quarter tuition awards available to students who attend or
graduated from any one of the 64 Historically Black Colleges...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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International Student Grants at The College of Wooster | Unrestricted | All
international (Non-US) applicants are eligible for Wooster Grant. The
grant is limited to non-US citizens enrolling as first-year,...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Postdoctoral And Senior Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
encourage access to the Smithsonians collections, staff specialties and
reference resources by visiting scholars, scientists and students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Sweet Briar College International Scholarships | Unrestricted | Sweet
Briars international scholarships are available for students planning
to become a student at Sweet Briar for undergraduate study. ...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Research Assistantships In The Study Of Disability | Unrestricted | To support graduates in the UIC doctoral programs who have expressed a career interest in research on disability.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Drake University Presidential Community College Scholarships | Unrestricted | To recognize outstanding academic performance of community college transfer students
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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HTIR Internship Program | Unrestricted | HTIR offers a co-op internship program for students at several different US colleges. International students can work up to...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Texas Wesleyan University International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | Preference
will be given to qualified applicants who come to Texas Wesleyan
University directly from out-of-country, but qualified international
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Pellegrini Scholarship | Unrestricted | Award to students who merit an award of Swiss nationality.
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Princeton University Visiting Fellowships | Unrestricted | To promote scholarly use of the research collections of the Princeton University Library
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Horton Research Grant | Unrestricted | Support
projects in hydrology and water resources by candidates; to foster
graduate student research and completion of doctoral dissertations.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Syracuse University Fellowship | Unrestricted | To provide tuition and stipend support for full-time study at masters or doctoral level.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Student Tuition Reduction at Slippery Rock University | Unrestricted | Awarded
to all international students qualifying for admission to study at
Slippery Rock University to enhance diversity on campus.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Nicholls State University Waiver Of Out-of-state Fees | Unrestricted | To assist gifted international and US graduate students to finance their education.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Nicholls State University Graduate Assistantship Program | Unrestricted | To assist highly qualified international and US graduate students to pursue an advanced degree.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Programa De Assistencia Estudiantil (PASE) | Unrestricted | To encourage students from Mexico with limited financial resources to enroll in Texas public institutions of higher education
Nationality: Mexican and American
Locations: United States
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New England College Grants | Unrestricted | To assist financially needy students to attend New England College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Merit Scholarships And Financial Aid | Unrestricted | Providing
an excellent educational opportunity for academically talented students
from around the world to enroll at Ohio Wesleyan University. ...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Pine Manor College Presidential Scholarship | Unrestricted | To award higher achieving students and enable them to pursue their undergraduate studies at Pine Manor College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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North Central College International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | Undergraduate
international student applicants are considered for merit-based
partial-tuition scholarships ranging from $10,000 to $15,000, renewable
for up to three...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Prestigious Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
work with individual students from the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences to establish application strategies for appropriate
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grants and Scholarships for Schiller International University | Unrestricted | To help assist students with educational costs.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Presidential Scholarships, Anna Filley Scholarship, Dhillon Award | Unrestricted | To enhance student participation in study abroad programs offered by Edinboro University
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Oregon State University Provosts Scholarship | Unrestricted | Partial tuition scholarship for students of high academic achievement
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Gustav Von Struve Award | Unrestricted | 30 one-quarter tuition awards for new Germany citizen students only who show financial need. This award is valid for one...
Nationality: German
Locations: United States
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Palmer B. Carson- PFLAG Jeanne Manford Scholarship For Glbt Leadership | Unrestricted | Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time in fall. Self identify as either a...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Palmer B. Carson-PFLAG Regional Scholarships | Unrestricted | Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time in fall. Self identify as either a...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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PFLAG Scholarship For Students With At Least One Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Or Trans | Unrestricted | Be a graduating high school senior entering higher education for the first time. Self identify as either a gay, lesbian,...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Florida Institute of Technology Academic Scholarship | Unrestricted | Awards are based on grades and SAT scores. Scholarships are awarded to students with very strong secondary school grades...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Minot State Presidential Award | Unrestricted | Awarded
to non-resident and international graduate students who have met
graduate school requirements. $741 for Manitoba and Saskatchewan
residents per...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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George A. Hall / Harold F. Mayfield Award | Agriculture | One-time award for scientific research on birds.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: Unrestricted
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Entomological Foundation Bioquip Undergraduate Scholarship | Agriculture | One-time award for undergraduate majoring in entomology, biology, or related science. Based on grades, need, and commitment.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: Unrestricted
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University Of Richmond Scholars Program | Unrestricted | The
University's most prestigious academic awards, these scholarships are
given to 45 incoming students and range from full tuition to...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Friends Of The National Zoo Scholarship | Unrestricted | For
undergraduates and graduates to gain practical experience through a
trainee-ship in exhibit interpretation, public affairs, horticulture or
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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GCA Interchange Fellowship | Unrestricted | To
foster British-American relations through the interchange of scholars
in horticulture, landscape architecture and related fields.
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens | Unrestricted | Fulbright
awards are designed to promote international education and provides
funding for US students abroad and international students in the...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Denver Merit Scholarship | Unrestricted | These merit-based scholarships are awarded to top applicants and may be used only at the University of Denver.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Libermann Scholarship | Unrestricted | Undergraduate
applicants enter into competition with other international students
that have applied for the Libermann. Scholarships are based on...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Exchange Student Scholarship Award at Schiller International University | Unrestricted | Six one-third tuition awards for new students who are alumni of the American Field Service, Rotary Youth Exchange and Youth...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Minot State University Global Award | Unrestricted | Awarded
to new undergraduate international students from countries other than
Canada. Awarded to new freshmen or transfer students, who must...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Assistantship at Bentley College | Unrestricted | To provide financial support for academically outstanding students who study full-time at our graduate school.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Monmouth University Fellowship | Unrestricted | To award graduate students who show that they have the potential to be successful at Monmouth University.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Fellowship Program through the Winston Foundation for World Peace | Unrestricted | For
students to pursue a project on cooperative security, conflict
resolution and disarmament with a non-government, non-profit
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Maine International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | The
University of Maine at Farmington awards a limited number of
merit-based scholarships to outstanding new, incoming first-year
undergraduate international...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Oregon General-university Scholarships | Unrestricted | General
University Scholarships are one-year awards made to University of
Oregon students to recognize scholastic achievement, community
involvement, extra-curricular activities...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Assistantships And Tuition Waivers at University of Akron | Unrestricted | Tuition
waivers partially fund academic graduate studies; graduate
assistantships provide teaching, research or administrative experience.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University of Central Florida Assistantships | Unrestricted | Assistantships
are a means to attract high-quality, full-time, graduate students and
provide them with professional experiences while at UCF that...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Mount Holyoke Foreign Fellowship | Unrestricted | Awarded annually to one native speaker of Spanish and two native speakers of Italian to pursue a full course of...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Miami University Graduate Tuition Waivers | Unrestricted | To support graduate degree candidates in any field of study.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Assistantships at University of Southern Mississippi | Unrestricted | For teaching and research assistant-ships.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Franklin Pierce University International Scholarship | Unrestricted | To assist qualified international students in meeting college costs.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Minnesota Torske Klubben Fellowship | Unrestricted | Torske
Klubben is interested in supporting students of high academic
achievement who show accomplishment and a demonstrated capacity for
Nationality: Norwegian
Locations: United States
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Maryville College International Student Scholarship And Ethnic Minority Scholars | Unrestricted | To increase the number of international students from various areas of the world, and to help international students stay at...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities | Unrestricted | To
change the factors that, taken together, have contributed to the
under-representation of persons with disabilities in science,
mathematics and...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Tampa International Academic Scholarship | Unrestricted | UT
offers partial academic scholarships to qualified undergraduate
international students with exceptional grades, SAT and TOEFL scores.
These funds do...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Financial Aid Grants for Texas Christian University | Unrestricted | To assist foreign nationals who cannot otherwise afford to attend TCU.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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