AICGS / DAAD Fellowship Program
Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP)
Charles and Kathleen Manatt Democracy Studies Fellowship
Eas-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program
Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study and Research Program
Fulbright Non-Academic/Research Professional Grant
Fulbright Scottish Studies Award
Fulbright Vietnamese Fulbright Scholar Program
Fulbright Vietnamese Student Program
Fulbright Vijayashanker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fulbright Thailand
German Historical Institute Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program
Johnson & Wales University
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarship
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Merit Scholarship
Notre Dame - Kellogg Visiting Fellowships
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program
Rotary Peace Fellowship
SIPA Fellowship and Assistantships
SIT Activism and Advocacy Scholarhip
SIT Intercultural Leadership Award
SIT International Aid and Development Scholarship
SIT Peace Fellowship
Syracuse University Hursky Fellowship
United States - Timor - Leste Scholarship Program (USTL)
University of Miami, MAIA Program
University of Miami MBA Program Graduate Assistantship
Washington College Tuition Scholarships
Wilson College Bogigian Scholarship for Armenian Students
Wilson College International Student Scholarship Program
Yale University Fox International Fellowships
Subjects in International Relations
This course will prepare normal or going to working parts to test subjects in International Relations not treated in the built curriculum. Subjects might along these lines change every time the course is advertised.
Outcomes of Globalization
What are a percentage of the results of budgetary and social globalization? Would it be able to be stated to be either exceptional or terrible for reasons for example human rights or insurance of nature's turf? In this course we'll basically test contentions on both sides of the level headed discussions concerning the impacts that globalization is having on various diverse conclusions incorporating human rights, nature, democratization, universal security, ladies' rights, laborer's rights, and national personality structuring. Dist: INT or SOC.
East Asian Security: Theory and Practice
This course presents and applies hypotheses of universal relations to advise contemporary wrangles about major security issues in East Asia. In the wake of inspecting the verifiable underpinning indispensible to grasp current occasions inside the locale, we will concentrate on China's rise as an incredible power and the territorial and worldwide effect; the steadiness of prevention in the Taiwan Strait; Japan's security technique (its roots and future bearings); the North Korean atomic emergency, and the prospects and local suggestions of Korean unification; debates over history and calls for expiation from Japan's past victimized individuals of war and colonization; and U.S. security strategy to the locale. The course likewise looks at the improvement of feasibly mollifying drifts for example East Asian establishment-constructing, financial joining, and democratization. Dist: INT; WCult: NW.
European Union as a Foreign Policy Actor
This course bargains with the 'undertaking' of 27 sovereign European states trying to advance a normal different and security strategy. Why are they doing it and how are they going in regards to it? What choice-production strategies have they advanced and what different strategy notions? What are the outcomes regarding arrangements? Where do the qualities and weaknesses lie? Is the European Union a potential superpower? How is the United States influenced?
Globalization and International Politics
In this course, we will investigate how financial globalization (that is, later movements in the structure of global exchange, back, and generation) is molding universal relations. Extraordinary accentuation can be put on the adapting part of multinational organizations. The course starts with an outline of financial globalization then afterward turns to investigate how it is impacting the political planet. Is globalization prone to make the planet more tranquil? Will globalization fundamentally lessen the force of the country state? Will globalization prompt a solitary planet society? By what method will globalization influence nature? How stable is globalization? Does globalization expedite expanded imbalance around and between countries? The aforementioned are a portion of the mid inquiries that we will investigate. While there are not yet clear replies as to precisely how monetary globalization impacts planet legislative issues, getting a handle on the crux issues included in the aforementioned open deliberations is key to grasping today's planet. Dist: SOC or INT.
Human Rights and International Relations
States' human rights practices are no longer saw as essentially a provincial political issue. Since the close of WWII, an unpredictable arrangement of universal laws and foundations has advanced that intends to control the human rights practices of states. In this course we will concentrate on the legislative issues of the human rights administration and acknowledge the emulating enormous addresses: What precisely are human rights? Does worldwide human rights law have any effect on states' conduct? If this is true, how? Is budgetary globalization great or awful for human rights? Is the advancing human rights administration modifying what it intends to be a state in the 21st century? Dist: SOC or INT.
Universal Conflict and Cooperation
This course inspects cases of political and lawful collaboration according to instances of impressive scale clash in the universal framework. From established to advanced times political and legitimate masterminds have utilized different manifestations of administration as an intends to make non-savage, continuing, and by and by, steadily progressing civilizations. This course will look at the hypotheses, designs, and schemas that have accommodated the causes and additionally the potential inadequacy of administrative shapes that have been expected as apparatuses for stabilizing social orders. It will test phenomena for example patriotism, philanthropic mediation, terrorism, and consociational vote based system. Results that have been offered for regions for example the Palestinian Territories, Northern Ireland, and Bosnia could be investigated.
Universal Institutions
This course furnishes a prologue to structures, structures, and tests of worldwide organizations. The class will discriminatingly analyze the development of territorially-sovereign units for example states, in part autonomous regions, and alliances. What's more it will explore situations of universal unfairness, planet legislature, natural debasement, questions over worldwide exchange, and the ascent and fall of realms. The course will additionally test endeavors at provincial investment reconciliation for Europe after the Second World War and in addition different administrations of group security for example the United Nations.
Advancing Voices
American engages and qualities are more and more influenced by occasions that happen past our outskirts. This course locations the major issues in U.S. nonnative approach today. The aforementioned issues incorporate American fabulous technique, terrorism, the expansion of weapons of mass pulverization, worldwide open health, worldwide budgetary growth, worldwide exchange and account, atmosphere change, human rights and philanthropic intercession, and in addition territorial issues for example U.S. approaches towards China, the Middle East and Afghanistan. One course gathering every week
USA Scholarships for international students ทุนเรียนต่ออเมริกา จากหน่วยงานต่าง ๆ ทั่วโลก TOEFL เชียงใหม่ เรียนภาษาัอังกฤษ เชียงใหม่ TOEIC เชียงใหม่ GRE เชียงใหม่ GMAT เชียงใหม่ SATเชียงใหม่ GED เชียงใหม่ in Chiangmai เชียงใหม่, Study in USA scholarships update everyday
วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
ทุน International Management Scholarships to Study in USA
Asian Development Bank Government of Japan Scholarship Program (ADB)
Berkeley College International Student Scholarships
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Florida Institute of Technology Undergraduate International Student Scholarships
Florida Institute of Technology Undergraduate Scholarships
Graduate School of International Policy and Management
HAESF Executive Education Program
Honor's Academic Scholarship
Johnson & Wales University
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Merit Scholarship
Moore School of Business IMBA Fellowships
Neumann University President Scholarships
SIT Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
SIT Intercultural Leadership Award
SIT International Aid and Development Scholarship
SIT Peace Fellowship
University of Nevada Kayoko Okumoto Scholarship
University of Scranton Pakistani Student Scholarship
Example :
What is International Management?
Global administration is the practice of maintaining business operations in more than one nation. Worldwide Management pros are acquainted with the dialect, society, investment and political earth, and business practices of nations in which multinational firms actively barter and contribute. They likewise have the reasonable and logical abilities would have been wise to define successful administration procedures and approaches to profit every bit of the company's constituents in today's comprehensively aggressive earth.
Regarding the International Management Major
As a global administration major, you will study about culturally diverse administration drills and how work conduct contrasts all through the planet. You will additionally examine global parts of business, exchange, promoting, fund and financial frameworks, advance familiarity with a second dialect, and pick up culturally diverse experience. Global Management major permits understudies to sharpen the aptitudes would have been wise to meet the tests of working together universally and assemble a system of private contacts crosswise over the globe.
Berkeley College International Student Scholarships
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Florida Institute of Technology Undergraduate International Student Scholarships
Florida Institute of Technology Undergraduate Scholarships
Graduate School of International Policy and Management
HAESF Executive Education Program
Honor's Academic Scholarship
Johnson & Wales University
Monterey Institute of International Studies - Merit Scholarship
Moore School of Business IMBA Fellowships
Neumann University President Scholarships
SIT Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
SIT Intercultural Leadership Award
SIT International Aid and Development Scholarship
SIT Peace Fellowship
University of Nevada Kayoko Okumoto Scholarship
University of Scranton Pakistani Student Scholarship
Example :
What is International Management?
Global administration is the practice of maintaining business operations in more than one nation. Worldwide Management pros are acquainted with the dialect, society, investment and political earth, and business practices of nations in which multinational firms actively barter and contribute. They likewise have the reasonable and logical abilities would have been wise to define successful administration procedures and approaches to profit every bit of the company's constituents in today's comprehensively aggressive earth.
Regarding the International Management Major
As a global administration major, you will study about culturally diverse administration drills and how work conduct contrasts all through the planet. You will additionally examine global parts of business, exchange, promoting, fund and financial frameworks, advance familiarity with a second dialect, and pick up culturally diverse experience. Global Management major permits understudies to sharpen the aptitudes would have been wise to meet the tests of working together universally and assemble a system of private contacts crosswise over the globe.
วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
ทุน International Law Scholarships to study in USA
Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program
Frank Boas Scholarship for International Legal Studies
ILSP Alumni Scholarships
Fulbright Thailand
International Legal Studies Program (ILSP) Alumni Fund Scholarships
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program
National Academy of Sciences Graduate Fellowship Program
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program
University of Miami, MAIA Program
University of San Diego School of Law merit Scholarship
International law is the situated of tenets usually viewed and received as tying in relations between states and nations.[1][2] It serves as a schema for the practice of stable and arranged worldwide relations.[3] International law contrasts from national lawful frameworks in that it essential concerns countries instead of private residents. National law might get global law when settlements delegate national locale to supranational tribunals for example the European Court of Human Rights or the International Criminal Court. Settlements for example the Geneva Conventions might need national law to acclimate.
International law is assent-based legislation. This indicates that a state part of the global group is not obliged to comply with global law unless it has explicitly assented to a specific course of conduct.[4] This is an issue of state power.
The expression "International law" can point to three dissimilar legitimate controls:
Open International law, which oversees the association between regions and worldwide elements. It incorporates the aforementioned legitimate fields: settlement law, law of ocean, global criminal law, the laws of war or universal compassionate law and worldwide human rights law.
Private International law, or clash of laws, which addresses the concerns of (1) which purview might catch a case, and (2) the law concerning which ward connects with the issues in the case.
Supranational law or the law of supranational conglomerations, which concerns local understandings where the laws of country states may be held inapplicable when clashing with a supranational legitimate framework when that country has an arrangement commitment to a supranational group.
The two accepted limbs of the field are:
jus gentium —law of countries
jus entomb gentes —understandings between countries
Frank Boas Scholarship for International Legal Studies
ILSP Alumni Scholarships
Fulbright Thailand
International Legal Studies Program (ILSP) Alumni Fund Scholarships
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program
National Academy of Sciences Graduate Fellowship Program
OSI Undergraduate Exchange Program
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program
University of Miami, MAIA Program
University of San Diego School of Law merit Scholarship
International law is the situated of tenets usually viewed and received as tying in relations between states and nations.[1][2] It serves as a schema for the practice of stable and arranged worldwide relations.[3] International law contrasts from national lawful frameworks in that it essential concerns countries instead of private residents. National law might get global law when settlements delegate national locale to supranational tribunals for example the European Court of Human Rights or the International Criminal Court. Settlements for example the Geneva Conventions might need national law to acclimate.
International law is assent-based legislation. This indicates that a state part of the global group is not obliged to comply with global law unless it has explicitly assented to a specific course of conduct.[4] This is an issue of state power.
The expression "International law" can point to three dissimilar legitimate controls:
Open International law, which oversees the association between regions and worldwide elements. It incorporates the aforementioned legitimate fields: settlement law, law of ocean, global criminal law, the laws of war or universal compassionate law and worldwide human rights law.
Private International law, or clash of laws, which addresses the concerns of (1) which purview might catch a case, and (2) the law concerning which ward connects with the issues in the case.
Supranational law or the law of supranational conglomerations, which concerns local understandings where the laws of country states may be held inapplicable when clashing with a supranational legitimate framework when that country has an arrangement commitment to a supranational group.
The two accepted limbs of the field are:
jus gentium —law of countries
jus entomb gentes —understandings between countries
ทุน International Education Scholarships to study in USA
Columbia University, Teachers College Scholarships
East-West Center graduate Degree Fellowship
Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards
Fulbright International Education Administrator Programs
Fulbright Thailand
Fulbright - Nga Pae o te Maramatanga Graduate Award
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarship
Monterey Institute of International Studies- Merit Scholarship
Reagan-Fascell Demorcracy Fellows Program
SIT Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
SIT Intercultural Leadership Award
SIT International Aid and Development Scholarship
SIT Peace Fellowship
International Education can mean many different things and its definition is debated. Some have defined two general meanings according to its involvement of students. The first refers to education that transcends national borders by the exchange of people, for example, by students travelling to study at an international branch campus, as part of a study abroad program or as part of a student exchange program. The second is a comprehensive approach to education that intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
The International Baccalaureate defines the term according to criteria such as the development of citizens of the world in accordance to culture, language, and social cohesion, building a sense of identity and cultural awareness, encrypting recognition and development of universal human values, encourage discovery and enjoyment of learning, equip students with collectivist or individualistic skills and knowledge that can be applied broadly, encourage global thinking when responding to local situations,encourage diversity and flexibility in teaching pedagogies and supply appropriate forms of assessment and international benchmarking.
Understanding of a broad array of phenomena is enhanced and deepened through examination of the cultures, languages, environmental situations, governments, political relations, religions, geography, and history of the world. While definitions vary in the precise language used, international education is generally taken to include:
Knowledge of other world regions & cultures;
Familiarity with international and global issues;
Skills in working effectively in global or cross-cultural environments, and using information from different sources around the world;
Ability to communicate in multiple languages; and
Dispositions towards respect and concern for other cultures and peoples.
Thousand years Development Goals
Worldwide training is additionally a major part of worldwide improvement. Masters and people wishing to be a part of universal training growth are fit to study through conglomerations and college and school arrangements. Conglomerations as far and wide as possible utilize instruction as an intends to advancement. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals[1] incorporate to training particular objectives:
Accomplish widespread essential training in all nations by 2015
Dispose of sexual orientation dissimilarity in essential and auxiliary training by 2015
Different notice of training concerning universal infrastructure: Education For All (EFA):[2] A global technique to operazionalize the Dakar Framework for Action; The World Education Forum (Dakar 2000) consented to arrive at 6 objectives by 2015:
grow early youth mind and instruction
upgrade access to finish, liberate educating of exceptional value for all elementary school-age youngsters
incredibly expand studying chances for youth and grown-ups
upgrade mature person proficiency rates by 50%
dispose of sexual orientation incongruities in educating
upgrade all parts of training value.
East-West Center graduate Degree Fellowship
Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards
Fulbright International Education Administrator Programs
Fulbright Thailand
Fulbright - Nga Pae o te Maramatanga Graduate Award
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Scholarship
Monterey Institute of International Studies- Merit Scholarship
Reagan-Fascell Demorcracy Fellows Program
SIT Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
SIT Intercultural Leadership Award
SIT International Aid and Development Scholarship
SIT Peace Fellowship
Rotary Peace Fellowship-Master's | International Education | The
Rotary Foundation is now accepting applications for the
world-competitive Rotary Peace Fellowship. The fellowship provides
academic and practical training...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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GotScholarship $40K Give Away | Unrestricted | GotChosen
launched one of the largest single private scholarship initiative in
the United States. The program is easy and free...
Nationality: South Sudanese, , ...
Locations: United States
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Grant Awards from the Japan-US Friendship Commission | Unrestricted | To aid education and culture at the highest level in order to engage reciprocal people to people understanding and...
Nationality: American and Japanese
Locations: United States
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Elite Awards | Unrestricted | Troy University offers a limited number of full and partial scholarships to international
students with exceptionally high academic achievements. These scholarships...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Prepared Scholarship | Unrestricted | This scholarship is granted to all new international undergraduate students who meet
specific English test score requirements prior to enrollment.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Win Free Tuition Giveaway through NextStepU | Unrestricted | NextStepU is pleased to announce our Win Free Tuition giveaway, a scholarship contest where students can win a year of...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Student Voice Magazine Scholarship | Unrestricted | A $750 one-time scholarship will be awarded to an international student (college/university student on a J1 or F1 visa or...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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American Assn. Of University Women--international Fellowships | Unrestricted | International
Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who
are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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WyzAnt Scholarships | Unrestricted | Each individual who applies ("Applicant") will be required to write an essay in English of no more than 300 words...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Ramapo College of New Jersey Presidential Scholarship | Unrestricted | $72,000 tuition scholarship for four years. ($18,000/year)
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Merced College International Students Tuition Waivers | Unrestricted | Semester tuition waiver scholarship for international students who have financial need and high academic standing.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Bridgeport International Undergraduate Scholarship | Unrestricted | Academic
scholarships are available to first year applicants and transfer
students seeking an associate or a bachelor degree. All awards...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Brandeis University Wien International Scholarship | Unrestricted | To
further international understanding, provide for international study,
and to enrich intellectual and cultural life at Brandeis
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Fulbright-Royal College Of Surgeons Of England Research Award | Unrestricted | Each year, one award is offered to a surgeon, trainee surgeon or individual that will pursue research (at any accredited...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Research Fellowship | Unrestricted | To support research at the Kennedy Library in the areas of immigration, naturalization or refugee policy.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Belluck & Fox / Scholarship | Unrestricted | Essay Content:
Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer diagnosed in close to 3,000 Americans each year. The only established cause of mesothelioma...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Rowe Fund Program | Unrestricted | The
Rowe Fund provides supplementary student loans to individuals from OAS
member states in Latin America and the Caribbean with...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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BG Scholarship | Unrestricted |
strives to reward students who do well academically, and also
contribute to their school and/or community by getting involved....
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Ramapo College of New Jersey Provost Scholarship | Unrestricted | $40,000 tuition scholarship for four years. ($10,000/year)
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Wisconsin-Superior Non-resident Tuition Waiver Scholar Awards | Unrestricted | NTW
Scholars Awards are competitive and consider the following criteria: 1)
academic merit, 2) potential contribution to campus diversity, 3)...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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AAUW International Fellowships | Unrestricted | International
Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who
are not United States citizens or permanent residents....
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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St. Edward's University Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | FOR
STUDY AT ST. EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY ONLY. We offer academic and athletic
scholarships for international freshmen and athletic scholarships for...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() | Recycling Scholarship | Unrestricted | The Scholarship is available to students between the ages 13 and 25. To be considered, you must participate in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Dayton International Undergraduate Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | The
University of Dayton offers merit-based scholarships to selected
international undergraduate applicants. We encourage students to take
the SAT-I to...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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University Of Wisconsin-Superior Non-resident Tuition Award | Unrestricted | UW-Superior offers NTW Awards to more than 90% of international undergraduate students that qualify for admission.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grand Valley State University International Merit Scholarship | Unrestricted | Every
year, Grand Valley awards a limited number of International Merit
Scholarships to incoming international students who have demonstrated
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Scholarships and Assistantships at the University of Richmond | Unrestricted | All
international students (non-U.S. citizens) who apply for admission are
considered for the scholarship awards. The number and amount vary...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Anne Wexler Australian-American Scholarship | Unrestricted | Two Scholarships will be awarded, one for a US citizen to enroll in an Australian Masters program in Public Policy...
Nationality: American and Australian
Locations: United States
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Thomas Buergenthal Scholarship | Unrestricted | To assist law school graduates from Central & Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics who have an interest in...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Hong Kong Scholarship For Study In US | Unrestricted | Scholarship for Hong Kong high school graduates entering Freshman class in accredited four year US University/College.
Locations: United States
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American Historical Association Research Grants | Unrestricted | For the advancement of historical knowledge
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Ishe Komborera Africa Award | Unrestricted | Twenty
one-quarter tuition awards for citizens of countries located in the
Sub-Saharan Africa region. These regions include Central, East, West...
Nationality: Zimbabwean, Zambian, Ugandan...
Locations: United States
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Cascade & Siskiyou International Student Scholarship | Unrestricted | Partial tuition remission scholarship
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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NJIT Research, Teaching and Graduate Assistantships | Unrestricted | To attract outstanding academic performance and research.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Freedom Support Act Graduate Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | Established
by USA Congress to provide the education and practical training
necessary to continue democratic and economic reform efforts in...
Nationality: Russian and American
Locations: United States
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Newberry Library Short-term Resident Fellowships For Individual Research | Unrestricted | For research in any field appropriate to the Newberrys collections
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Kennedy Research Grant and Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | To support research on any topic related to the Kennedy period or requiring the use of the Kennedy Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Rosann S. Berry Annual Meeting Fellowship | Unrestricted | To enable a graduate student engaged in advanced graduate study to attend the annual meeting of the society.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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College of Saint Elizabeth International Scholarships | Unrestricted | Two international students per year will be awarded scholarships that cover the cost of tuition, room & board, and fees...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Bluffton University International Student Grant | Unrestricted | International
students desiring financial assistance must complete the declaration of
finances form. As a general policy, international student grants
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Fulbright All-Disciplines Scholar Awards | Unrestricted | In
this Award category, approximately 5 grants are offered to UK academics
and professionals to undertake lecturing, research or a...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Fulbright Police Research Fellowship | Unrestricted | In this Award category, up to three grants are offered to active UK police officers and staff from all ranks...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Fulbright Postgraduate Student Awards | Unrestricted | In this Award category, approximately 30 scholarships are offered each year to UK citizens for the first year of postgraduate...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Hagley Museum And Library Grants-In-Aid | Unrestricted | Award for graduate research using the Hagley Museum and Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Academic Merit Scholarships | Unrestricted | Bachelor degree first year and transfer students will be awarded academic merit scholarships at time of admission. This is...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Deans Scholarship at Fordham University | Unrestricted | This award is open to the top 8% of freshmen applicants to Fordham based on SAT, GPA and class rank...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Chatham University Merit Scholarships | Unrestricted | To provide financial assistance to students with outstanding academic and leadership achievements.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Darton College International Student Fellowship | Unrestricted | Each
year, Darton College offers a limited number of fellowships to highly
qualified international students. The Darton College International
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Bogigian Scholarship For Armenian Students | Unrestricted | A
tuition scholarship will be offered to a full-time female, residential
undergraduate student attending Wilson College. Recipients must be...
Nationality: Armenian
Locations: United States
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International Baccalaureate Scholarship at the College of Idaho | Unrestricted | All I.B. Diploma seeking students are eligible for a $11,000 per year scholarship, renewable for up to four years. ...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Hemingway Research Grants | Unrestricted | To support scholars requiring the use of the Hemingway collection.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Angelo State University Carr Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | Provide for tuition, fees, books, room, and board
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholarship | Unrestricted | Covers
costs associated with earning four years bachelors degree at Wesleyan
University for students from eleven countries in Asia. ...
Nationality: Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese...
Locations: United States
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Miami University International Education Scholarship | Unrestricted | Merit based scholarship covering part of Miami University's tuition for undergraduate students
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Alma College Scholarships | Unrestricted | Awarded to international students studying at Alma College based on academic ability.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To support research in residence by a foreign national scholar in residence in the collections of two sponsoring institutions.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Sweden-America Foundation Fellowship Program | Unrestricted | To give Swedish students the opportunity to pursue higher education in the US or Canada
Nationality: Swedish
Locations: United States
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Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
assist researchers experienced in their own fields in pursuing
investigations, particularly those who are or have been prevented by...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Earthwatch Field Research Grants | Unrestricted | To support field research in the life, physical, social sciences and humanities
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Awards For Advanced Study Or Research In The USA | Unrestricted | To encourage advanced study and research and increase understanding between the US and Scandinavia
Nationality: American, Swedish, Norwegian...
Locations: United States
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William Woods University Lead Program | Unrestricted | The
LEAD (Leading, Educating, Achieving, Developing) Program is intended to
encourage and acknowledge active student participation in university
life beyond...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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William Woods University Athletic Award - Men | Unrestricted | Varsity
Sports for Men Include: Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball and Golf. Must
meet two of the following three entry-level requirements: A...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
| ![]() |
Commission for Educational Exchange Postdoctoral Research Fellowships | Unrestricted | To
pursue postdoctoral research or study in the USA. Only students,
teachers, research scholars and lecturers who are citizens or...
Nationality: Luxembourg and Belgian
Locations: United States
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Graduate Assistantship at Troy State University | Unrestricted | For assistant-ship in MBA program.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Oregon State University International Cultural Service Program | Unrestricted | Available
only to international students enrolled at Oregon State. A select
number of students (32-35) receive partial tuition remission
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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French And Spanish Language Assistant | Unrestricted | To
assist female international students who have shown satisfactory
academic performance and are interested in careers in foreign language
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Worcester Polytechnic Institute Scholarship | Unrestricted | WPI
offers competitive academic merit scholarships to freshman applicants
based on academic performance in high school, standardized test scores
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grants-In-Aid from SPSSI | Unrestricted | The
SPSSI Committee on Grants-in-Aid (GIA) wishes to support scientific
research in social problem areas related to the basic interests...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Niagara University Presidential Scholarship | Unrestricted | For financial support of undergraduate study for graduates of Ontario High School
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Indian Student Assistance Grant in Wisconsin | Unrestricted | Awards under this program are made to Wisconsin residents who are at least 25% Native American and are undergraduate or...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Mars Hill College Academic Scholarships | Unrestricted | To assist in meeting tuition needs for international students studying at Mars Hill College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Mount Ida International Student Merit Award | Unrestricted | To allow international students to pursue undergraduate study at Mount Ida College.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Southern Illinois University Undergraduate And Graduate Tuition Awards | Unrestricted | SIUC
students ONLY!!! Available only to international students already
enrolled at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale for one year...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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International Presidential Scholarship And International University Scholarship | Unrestricted | For tuition reimbursement to qualified undergraduate domestic and international students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Kendall King Scholarship Western Carolina University | Unrestricted | To assist enrolled international students to complete their graduate studies.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Monmouth University Scholarship | Unrestricted | To award students who show that they have the potential to be successful at Monmouth University.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Mahatma Rice Scholarship Program | Unrestricted | The
makers of Mahatma, Carolina, and Riceland Rice in partnership with
Univision Radio offer high school seniors in designated areas...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Financial Aid And Academic Scholarship | Unrestricted | Scholarships
are awarded to students with very strong secondary school grades and
exceptional SAT I or ACT scores. The scholarship...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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VOMI Honor To Veterans Scholarship | Unrestricted | for
all US Veterans based on needs. Wounded and disabled Iraq and
Afghanistan War veterans will be granted priority consideration.
Nationality: American, Samoan and Guamanian
Locations: United States
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ID Graduate Design Fellowship | Unrestricted | The
Institute of Design awards a small number of competitive fellowships
each year to outstanding applicants seeking a Master of...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Harkness Fellowship | Unrestricted | To enable actual or potential leaders to benefit from new ideas, new practices and new contacts in the USA; to...
Nationality: New Zealand
Locations: United States
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Kathleen Hall Memorial Fellowship | Unrestricted | To promote the interest of women graduates worldwide and the extension of higher education for women.
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Grants, Scholarships And Fellowships from UFAW | Unrestricted | For improvements to the welfare of animals. Study location must be approved by UFAW council.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Southwestern Oregon Community College International Student Community Service Sc | Unrestricted | In return for volunteer service on campus or in the community, scholarship winners receive a tuition reduction of 25%.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Hagley/Winterthur Fellowships In Arts And Industries | Unrestricted | Fellowship to use both the collection of the Hagley Museum and Library and the Winterthur Library.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Research Participation Projects through Argonne National Laboratory | Unrestricted | An
online catalog of research projects that are taking place at the
Argonne National Laboratory. Student can browse the catalog...
Nationality: American
Locations: United States
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Grants for Student Fellowships through the Smithsonian Institution | Unrestricted | To
encourage access to the Smithsonians collections, staff specialties and
reference resources by visiting scholars, scientists and students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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IREX Short-Term Travel | Unrestricted | For visiting scholars to enter into collaborative research or conference presentations in the USA
Nationality: Uzbekistani, Ukrainian, Turkmen...
Locations: United States
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International Student Tuition Waiver | Unrestricted | For
undergraduate students applying to the University of Maine from outside
the United States who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund | Unrestricted | Theodore
Roosevelt Memorial Grants support research on North American fauna in
any phase of wildlife conservation or natural history.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Human Rights Advocates Training Program | Unrestricted | To
allow human rights workers, activists & public interests lawyers to
improve advocacy, educational & training skills. To undertake
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Grants-In-Aid from Hagley Museum and Library Center and SPSSI | Unrestricted | To
support scientific research in social problem areas related to the
basic interests and goals of SPSSI and particularly those...
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Teaching Assistantship at Southeast Missouri State University | Unrestricted | For graduate teaching assistantships in graduate programs on-campus.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Graduate Student Assistantship at the University of Pittsburgh | Unrestricted | To enable students to study at graduate level on topics related to Western Europe.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
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Jane Austen Award | Unrestricted | Ten
one-third tuition awards for one or two semesters available to new
students with British citizenship. Applicants must have a...
Nationality: British
Locations: United States
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Japanese Scholars Award at Schiller International University | Unrestricted | Five
one-quarter tuition awards for new Japanese students carrying a good
academic record. This award is valid for two semesters...
Nationality: Japanese
Locations: United States
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Global Spartan Scholarship | Unrestricted | To recognize academic excellence in entering freshmen and transfer international undergraduate students.
Nationality: Unrestricted
Locations: United States
International Education can mean many different things and its definition is debated. Some have defined two general meanings according to its involvement of students. The first refers to education that transcends national borders by the exchange of people, for example, by students travelling to study at an international branch campus, as part of a study abroad program or as part of a student exchange program. The second is a comprehensive approach to education that intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
The International Baccalaureate defines the term according to criteria such as the development of citizens of the world in accordance to culture, language, and social cohesion, building a sense of identity and cultural awareness, encrypting recognition and development of universal human values, encourage discovery and enjoyment of learning, equip students with collectivist or individualistic skills and knowledge that can be applied broadly, encourage global thinking when responding to local situations,encourage diversity and flexibility in teaching pedagogies and supply appropriate forms of assessment and international benchmarking.
Understanding of a broad array of phenomena is enhanced and deepened through examination of the cultures, languages, environmental situations, governments, political relations, religions, geography, and history of the world. While definitions vary in the precise language used, international education is generally taken to include:
Knowledge of other world regions & cultures;
Familiarity with international and global issues;
Skills in working effectively in global or cross-cultural environments, and using information from different sources around the world;
Ability to communicate in multiple languages; and
Dispositions towards respect and concern for other cultures and peoples.
Thousand years Development Goals
Worldwide training is additionally a major part of worldwide improvement. Masters and people wishing to be a part of universal training growth are fit to study through conglomerations and college and school arrangements. Conglomerations as far and wide as possible utilize instruction as an intends to advancement. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals[1] incorporate to training particular objectives:
Accomplish widespread essential training in all nations by 2015
Dispose of sexual orientation dissimilarity in essential and auxiliary training by 2015
Different notice of training concerning universal infrastructure: Education For All (EFA):[2] A global technique to operazionalize the Dakar Framework for Action; The World Education Forum (Dakar 2000) consented to arrive at 6 objectives by 2015:
grow early youth mind and instruction
upgrade access to finish, liberate educating of exceptional value for all elementary school-age youngsters
incredibly expand studying chances for youth and grown-ups
upgrade mature person proficiency rates by 50%
dispose of sexual orientation incongruities in educating
upgrade all parts of training value.
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